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Ann Marie Carlyle, RN - A School Nurse
P: (845) 624-3969, option 3
office located in B-Wing

Kim Hallinan, RN - C School Nurse
P: (845) 624-3971, option 3
office located in B-Wing

Adrienne Blassberg-Milich, RN - D School Nurse
P: (845) 624-3972, option 3
office located in E-Wing

All seventh graders that have had a physical since June of the previous school year must bring the form into the nurse's office by October 1 of the current school year. 

Public Health Law 2164 was amended to require Hepatitis B Vaccine for all children enrolled in Grade 7 in any public, private or parochial school on or after September 1, 2000.

Head Lice Information

Head lice do not carry disease, but may cause itching because they feed on the scalp. They are small (1-2mm) and light in color. Their eggs (nits) are white-ish in color and usually found attached to hair close to the scalp. Lice are usually spread through direct contact. 

Steps you can take to prevent the spread of lice: 

  1. Caution children not to share brushes and combs; 
  2. Remind children not to borrow anyone else’s clothing, especially hats and gloves; 
  3. Have children keep hair and scalp clean and thoroughly combed; 
  4. Check your child’s head weekly. 

If you suspect your child may have lice, please seek the advice of your family physician for diagnosis and treatment. Please then notify your school nurse if you treat your child. This notification is essential to control the spread. Upon return to school, children should report to the school nurse.  Only children whose hair is nit-free may return to school.

When to Keep Your Child Home

As healthcare practitioners caring for your children in the Clarkstown Central School District, one of our main goals is to aid in the prevention, control and spread of communicable and transferable illness, diseases and infections.

Please do not send your child to school if they:

  1. Are awaiting "strep throat" test results;

  2. Are complaining of a sore throat and it appears red;

  3. Are complaining of nausea, vomited the night before or in the morning;

  4. Have or had a fever of 1000 or more the night before or in the morning;

  5. Have a suspicious rash;

  6. Have had a persistent cough and congestion;

  7. Have a red, draining, itchy eye(s).

We know how difficult it is when your child becomes ill, especially with the increase in numbers of both parents working daily. However, as school nurses, we are not equipped to monitor students who are ill for several hours. In the event that your child does come to school ill or become so while in school, we must contact you to pick them up as soon as possible. Please make every effort to have a reliable emergency pick up for your child in the event you are not available.

In case of an illness or an injury, a parent/guardian or an emergency contact person will be notified.  The school asks that you keep emergency contact names and numbers up-to-date.  Students may not leave school for health reasons without the permission of the school nurse.

In accordance with New York State Law, all seventh graders and students new to the District must be examined by a physician and the report submitted to the nurse's office before October 1 of the current school year. If this is not done, the school will assume that parents want the child to be examined by the school physician. In this case, the nurse will make an appointment for students to be examined in the health office. There is no charge for this in-school exam.

Medication in School

Medication can only be taken in school under the following conditions:

  1. The student must bring a note from a doctor and the parent/guardian requesting that they be allowed to take the medication during school hours;
  2. The notes and the medication should be brought to the nurse by a parent/guardian;
  3. The nurse will give the student a pass to return to the health office to take the medication;
  4. At no time may students bring Aspirin or any other medication to school without following the above procedures;
  5. Asthmatic students using inhalers must also follow the above procedures.