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  • Felix Festa offers an intramural program designed to accommodate all sixth, seventh and eighth grade students who wish to participate in a specific activity, yet do not wish to be exposed to the pressures of athletic competition, attending practices daily, or traveling to other schools.
  • We attempt to offer as many, six-week sessions throughout the school year as possible.  Session dates, activities offered each session, session locations, and session scheduling are subject to change and are based upon supervisor/coach availability, student enrollment, and field/gym/court/pool availability.
  • Each student must bring a signed permission slip to the activity or they will not be able to participate. You can find the permission slip at the bottom of this page. 
  • If a student wants to participate in more than one intramural, then they will need to have separate slips for each coach/supervisor. 
  • Parents should pick their child up no later than 5pm or whenever the activity is scheduled to end. You can pick them up in the front of the building at B WING. PLEASE BE ON TIME!
  • Intramurals can be added at any point in the year, so keep an eye out!

Intramurals/Programs being offered (Please check dates on flyer):


  • Winter intramurals activities and times will be chosen once gym space is available after February break